The sex education you actually need.
I used to think that in order to attain sexual mastery, overcome poor sexual performance, and give unforgettable sexual pleasure, is all about my techniques.
That great sex, sexual satisfaction, and giving my partner multiple orgasms is all about sex positions, and that sexual chemistry is something that’s either there or not.
It took me over a decade of sexual evolution, sexual practices and real-life experience in many sexual connections to realize true sexual power is not about what I do but who I am when I do it.
Now, I’m no sex therapist; if anything, I’m merely an artist of erotic love, but this realization I’m about to share with you today allowed me to become a sexually masterful man (not self-proclaimed, I actually look for feedback from my partners) and help thousands of men and women overcome extraordinary lovers.
Do with it what you wish…

Why sexual mastery Matters, and not only to your sex life.
Today, as part of this sexual mastery series, I will share with you a perspective shift that can dramatically alter how you approach sexual relationships.
This will require us to take a deep but simple observation of our life and existence itself.
To understand that what reality actually is is a web of infinite relationships that are all interconnected and mutually transformative.
Everything is touching everything else. Everything is made out of everything else. Your body, who you are, is a product of 13.8 billion years of the evolutionary process.
You are a product of an infinite amount of evolutionarily successful relationships that have created who you are, only the most successful combinations and relationships. In other words, you are already a master of successful relationships.

Use your sexual energy to become an alive player
Now, when we become aware of that, we have a choice to start becoming an alive participant in the evolutionary unfolding of that erotic aliveness.
We can become an aware part of that ecology rather than sleepwalking through it, living our life on autopilot.
We can open up to this capacity of awareness and realize that what we are, in essence, is the universe experiencing itself, this whole web of interconnected relationships experiencing itself through our own sensory input; how phenomenal that is??
Sexual mastery is the art of aliveness
The sexual energy you have burning in you to connect with another in sexual union is the same life force, creative energy permeating through the entire cosmos, the longing that everything in existence has to connect and create mutually transformative relationships.
Subparticles have this erotic desire to connect with each other to create a greater whole, which is the atom.
The atoms come together in this erotic longing to create a molecule, a cell, and all of these molecules and cells come together in erotic aliveness to create the body that you are or create everything else that you can see and observe in this reality.
That erotic aliveness, that life force, that sexual energy permeates through you and makes you want to connect with others and have a sex life.
It’s the same creative force, the same force that permeates and unfolds the evolutionary process, permeates and unfolds your desire to connect with others.
So it’s no doubt that when you’re mastering your own sex, when you’re mastering your sexuality, meaning opening up to that awareness, you’re also mastering every other aspect of your life because you become an alive, more deeply connected participant.
Every connection, every intimate and sexual connection that you have with others, every connection at all, everything that you touch, everything that you get involved in, everything that you do, and every creative output that you pursue in this life becomes a vehicle of creating more aliveness.
Sexual Mastery: The Ecology of erotic touch
When you think about touch, erotic touch, sensual touch, or touch in general, what it is, in essence, is a mutually transformative interaction.
You cannot touch something or someone without being touched by it or allowing it to touch you.
When you touch someone, you simultaneously get a better sense of who you are. You cannot feel yourself without being touched by reality at all times.
You cannot feel yourself without being touched by the circumstances that make you feel a certain way.
You cannot feel your own existence without the breath, the oxygen that you can feel through your body.
You cannot feel yourself without moving your muscles and having them touch reality and therefore produce the resistance necessary for you to feel something.
And it’s the same when touching a lover. You cannot touch someone without being touched, and that touching helps you realize yourself through the interaction and the other realize themselves through you.
I want you to keep that awareness when you are touching someone because it’ll allow you to develop the fundamental sensitivity necessary to become a master of touch and erotic pleasure.

Sexual Mastery: living a sensual life.
I want you to spend the next 24 hours inviting as much touch awareness as possible to everything you do. You wake up in the morning; I want you to sense your body being touched by the bed and touching the bed first thing in the morning.
Get out of your bed, and feel your legs touching the floor and being touched by the floor. Go and drink a cup of water.
Feel the mutually transformative relationship of how this water will become something else in your body. And you are going to become something else by the touch of the water; you become more alert, more alive, more healthy, satisfying your thirst. Do the same with your food.
Whatever it is that you are doing, bring sensitivity to the touch. And as many times throughout the day as you can possibly muster, bring yourself back to this awareness of how everything, in reality, is constantly touching everything else, and nothing is ever separated.
How you are constantly being touched by existence, by the gravitational forces, by the electromagnetic forces, by the oxygen that you breathe, by the food that you ingest, and by the people that you connect with.
Your senses are doorways that are open to receive the touch of reality, to allow life to touch you and mold you into what you’re meant to be.

Sexual Mastery: Applying Touch Awareness to Your Relationships
Then, when you are about to touch a lover, or when you do self-pleasure, you know you are also your own lover.
I want you to keep that awareness, that sense you are touching yourself, and you are the universe touching itself, experiencing itself unfolding.
When you are touching a lover, you are simultaneously discovering more of who you are.
This perfect balance between your internal world and your external world leads to a consciousness of self, others, and the whole.
Bring this kind of erotic aliveness and awareness into the way you connect with other people sexually.
You will inevitably develop a superpower skill of sensitivity that will allow you to approach every lover and, of course, every aspect of your life and every person that you meet and everything that you are connected to with an unparallel level of depth and inner joy.
More aliveness will start emanating from everything that you do.

Sexual mastery: Conclusion
Sexual mastery is in Remembering your interconnectedness with all things and living your life as a way to participate joyfully in the unfolding of the mutually transformative relationships that are life itself.
Witness the magic that unfolds in your life as you become more sensitive and more in tune with the erotic aliveness that pervades the universe.
As you integrate this sensitivity into your daily life, relationships, work, and creativity, everything will be touched by this newfound awareness.
People will respond to you differently. You will respond to the world differently. Opportunities will open up, and your life will be imbued with a deep sense of erotic excitement and connection.
Take this knowledge and put it into practice. Be present in every moment and every interaction, allowing your sensual and erotic touch to bring forth the magic in yourself and others.
As you grow and evolve in your understanding of your sexuality and sexual energy, you will find that your life will be transformed in ways you never thought possible.
Remember, the journey to sexual mastery is not just about your sex life. It’s about becoming an active participant in the unfolding of life itself.
Embrace your sexuality, embrace your interconnectedness, and watch as your life becomes a beautiful dance of aliveness, connection, and love.
Take your journey to the next level
If you want to go much deeper, cultivate sexual power, overcome premature ejaculation, and improve your sexual skills, Check out my free masterclass on “mastering sexual energy” and my sensual alchemy video course: