Go Deeper With My Video Courses
Video Course For Men
Video Course For Men
The Sensual Alchemy Course -
For Men
With Live Demonstration
This is my flagship course’s full version. Over 12 hours of content including uncensored live demonstrations that’ll help you become an epic lover in and out of the bedroom.
If you know in the depth of your being that it’s time for you to step up how you show up with women and completely transform your life, this course is for you.
Video Course For Women
Video Course For Women
The Sensual Alchemy Course -
For Women
With Live Demonstration
Awaken your sexual powers by breaking free of old conditioning, guilt, shame, and insecurities to experience epic levels of passionate, connected intimacy.
Access powerful practical exercises of self-love and acceptance as well as powerful techniques that will blow your men’s minds in and out of the bedroom.
What do men say about The Sensual Alchemy?
What do women say about The Sensual Alchemy?
More Testimonials

“I started a relationship with the help of Yuval, he taught me deep self-love”

“I’ve experienced trauma and now, I'm finally able to love myself and open up to men”

"Things that are next level and you can't find anywhere else"

“Yuval helped me connect deeper with ecstasy, with my body and my partner”

“He's a legend. His Energy Is like nothing else.”

"Yuval’s work helped me take my relationship to the next level"

"It blew my mind"

"This had been a game-changer for me, no one teaches you this stuff"

"I can honestly say, this changed my life"